Terawatt Professional B2B Coaching

Hiring an expert coach for a group of employees is a proven way for a company to improve its effectiveness and competitiveness, and to accelerate professional staff development.

Tech Stack PHP / WordPress / MetaBox / JavaScript / jQuery / AJAX / AWS

B2B (business-to-business) is an activity of a company focused on interaction and benefiting from selling its products or services to another company. In the B2B market, the target audience of one company becomes another company. The most important aspects of the B2B marketing strategy are to generate leads and increase sales.

Coaching helps to develop a consistent plan for the development of the company and the training of its employees in order to achieve meaningful results through individual or group meetings. Coaching is a fairly popular modern technology in working with managerial tasks. Coaching is used by both employees and senior managers, because it is based on complex innovative methods and techniques that help not only open a new business, but also achieve results in an existing business.

Terawatt is a unique B2B group coaching marketplace that deals with hiring high-class expert coaches for a group of employees or top management. Group coaching is profitable for business. It helps staff grow together, innovate, and succeed by being more productive and motivated. World-class professional coaches help improve business and people’s professional development and lives. Terawatt turned to Viaduct experts for help to rebuild their company’s existing website.


● to rebuild the existing website, taking into account cardinal changes in design.

● to make the WordPress admin panel more pleasant and understandable.

● to rewrite the filtering of coaches by double parameters.

● to create an event page that will have two states (future and past events).

● to create a page with a contact form for each coach.

● to integrate Calendly calendar.


It was decided to build a completely new website to prevent old errors and conflicts between the old code and the new one. The task was to rewrite the site from WordPress ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) to Metabox, and to create a nice and easy-to-use WordPress admin panel.


Our team of professional developers fulfilled all the tasks set:

● created flexible sections and unique pages with dynamic fields for entering content, easy to change in the admin panel;

● used Ajax filters for the page of coaches, taking into account the selection of two categories;

● created an Ajax-filter for events, which makes it easy to transfer events from future to past and, if necessary, vice versa;

● integrated Calendly calendar;

● transferred the site to the AWS server that our team configured.