Modify Mobile apps are the future of education

At present, the increasing popularity of mobile devices and e-learning has led to the emergence of a new way of learning called mobile learning. Mobile app technology is fundamentally changing the education system, making it more flexible, accessible and advanced. Educational apps are an excellent way to improve the quality of teaching and learning, making this process more interactive between students and teachers.

Tech Stack S, React, React Native, React Navigation, Redux, Redux Saga, Redux-actions, Reselect, Date-fns, Formik, Yup
Team Roman Bartushak, Irina Grishanova, Aliaksey Zhurauliou

The teaching potential of mobile apps is unlimited, as they give easy and free access to a huge amount of educational material and information, school assignments and curriculum. Students and teachers are involved in live communication, instead of hiding behind computer monitors. In addition, mobile devices are easier to use and place than computers or laptops. With their help, it is easier to share assignments, do paperless homework, and work with other students or a teacher, which makes pupils motivated and facilitates the learning process.

Mobile apps represent a breakthrough in the education system, particularly, in America. Educational apps are very popular, effective, and have numerous benefits over traditional learning. They make online education possible, enjoyable and accessible for everyone. Modify decided to create a mobile application in order to make the process of learning more advanced, creative and available from any location. And Viaduct appeared to be the team who realized Modify’s project.


Viaduct met a complex challenge to develop a mobile app from scratch for the American education system, which would allow students and teachers to put the whole learning workflow into it. The app includes courses, extracurricular activities, assignments, tests, goals, notifications.

Viaduct team was to build out the back-end and front-end of the application for Android and iOS. Our developers decided to create full functionality for students, their parents and teachers.

Due to this app parents are able to:
• simultaneously observe the learning process of all attached students;
• allow or deny access to courses or extracurricular programs;
• receive event notifications.
Students are able to:
• take tests right in the app;
• place homework for verification in the assignments section.

There is also a section for course statistics reports, and a goals section, where students or parents can create goals to be achieved within the selected time frame.

All the above tasks were fulfilled. The mobile app works as follows:
• Registration;
• Entry;
• Connection of parents with children;
• Creating a course and extracurricular activity, and students joining them;
• Creating goals, assignments and events associated with the course or extracurricular activities.

The principle of work with all the basic entities is as follows: course – assignments – activities – goals. Moreover, recurrent activities were added so that with one click it is possible to create typical activities for a certain period of time (for example, on Mondays from 2 p.m. for half an hour there is “read a book” activity).
The assignments have complex business logic as the homework should not only be checked and graded, but sometimes sent for revision with a comment and an attached file. In addition, the functionality of notifications has also been added and complicated (not just to notify, but also to receive a response from the recipient).
Modify’s mobile app turned out to be quite a challenging project. In the process of the development some basic functions were changed at the request of the customer. As the business task was not thoroughly worked out, some questions had to be clarified and solved on the go.