How to Make a Business Presentation Effective and Successful


What is a business company presentation? It’s a set of slides about a company and its products or services. But it is not enough just to show and tell about a product or service. A good presentation combines detailed information and colorful visualization. A company presentation should sell without words. You can reach a huge number of people and talk to everyone if you prepare a well-thought-out presentation from a marketing point of view.

A company presentation is a document for all occasions in any business. Business company presentations can be in different formats: negotiations, conferences, exhibitions or demonstrations, speeches or product launches. It is important to have a well-designed marketing presentation for online and offline communications with potential customers. A presentation is especially good in services or products such as software, development, and design.

Any company presentation has a structure consisting of a few slides, and each of them should perform specific tasks:

  1. On the first slide, it is important to display the title, company logo, a brief description of the product, and a list of high level contacts. To hook the reader from the very beginning of the presentation, think of a catchy title and then simply and clearly explain what the company offers and show why your offer is better than your competitors’ proposals.

  2. On the second slide there is often information about the company: who you are, how long you have been in business, and what exactly you are doing. It is very important to tell briefly about your achievements without going into details about the history of the company. The names of prominent clients, the number of tasks solved, and your successful completed projects can well describe your achievements.

  3. On the third slide you can describe different case-studies of your successful projects. Case-studies can be separate stories according to the scheme: the challenge - how you did it - what problems you faced - how you solved the problem - what you got in the end. Tell the client in detail and in numbers how and what you did for other clients. Do not be afraid to talk about difficulties, as this can help build trust with potential clients. If the client is still with you, be sure to note that when displaying their case study, as it shows that they are satisfied with you and continue to cooperate. In the business world, this is very important.

  4. On the next slide point to the reasons why you are better than other companies like you on the market. A common mistake is to say that you do everything like everyone else. Show that you are doing a little more and better than others: a little faster, for the same money, but with a greater guarantee. Show all your possible credentials: certificates, diplomas, and licenses, as well as your clients’ reviews. Be honest and transparent to avoid disappointing the client. And in the end, offer the client some bonus or discount.

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If the client has agreed to work with you, it is worth asking some questions and finding the answers to them. For example: In what way will it be comfortable for the client to work with you? How will everything be organized in general? What will the first step be? How long will the cooperation take? Prepare the stages of work in the form of a project plan, and clearly state what the client will receive at the end of each stage.

A business presentation is a business card of your company, and therefore it should be visually bright in order to remain in the audience’s memory for a long time. Many companies today actively use presentations, along with direct access to their business partners. Here are some more life hacks to make your business presentation look more effective and dignified:

  1. In a presentation, it is better not to use more than two or three colors on a slide, otherwise the viewer’s attention may be scattered due to the abundance of shades. Color-coded information makes it easier for the reader to analyze the slide and quickly find the information they need.

  2. Do not use many or the same slides. All slides should have different functions, different types of content, and you need to think about what content to show and illustrate. Cluttered slides should also be avoided.

  3. As most people love photography, feel free to insert some photos. The meaning of any design is to convey information in a clear and understandable form, with a logical arrangement of elements on a slide, and the creation of a neat and clear structure.

  4. Use some contrast, enlarge certain numbers or words. Change the size and color of the font to effectively emphasize important information.

  5. Your slides should be very dynamic and lightweight. Add some air to your slides by making more free space between objects. Without air and free space, the layout is drowned in text and visual information. The simpler and more minimalistic slides look, the clearer they will be for the reader.

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There are also some basic rules for all presentations, as they usually have three main parts: opening, main body and closing.

  1. In the opening you should welcome the visitors and give answers to the following questions: What is the aim of your presentation? How long will it last? Will there be a break? Then give an outline of the structure of the presentation and make it clear when the audience can ask questions during the talk or if they need to wait until the end.

  2. In the main part start with something that will definitely grab the audience’s attention. It can be a visual picture, story or statistic. A standard technique in introducing presentations to create interest and get the audience’s attention is to have a dialogue with people asking them a question and then answering it (so-called rhetorical question). When referring to visuals be careful as many slides can send the listeners into a trance of boredom. Do not stay on the slide for more than one minute, otherwise your audience will simply fall asleep. Effectively use relevant transition words to link ideas of your speech.

  3. In closing, summarize the main points of your presentation and make a conclusion with a lively friendly comment mentioning the benefits of your speech. Create a call to action at the end. In addition to the phrase “Thank you for your attention” say also “Let’s meet, discuss, and launch a test project. We will do it together, and here are our contacts”.

To sum up, it should be noted that today many well-established companies have a predetermined presentation template that they are afraid to change. The result is a monotonous presentation that is boring to watch not only for clients and business partners, but also for the managers themselves, who initially insisted on the introduction of this template. Therefore, forget the rules hammered into your head. Remember that a nice well-designed presentation is a powerful tool for any project. Some startups are successful in attracting clients and investments with visually dynamic and flashy slides and business presentation speeches, despite not having a clear idea or business model. Regularly update the content and stylistic design of your presentation. And bear in mind that a colorful, well-planned and well-prepared business presentation is an effective way to make your business successful and prosperous.